Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A Gift for My Sister by Ann Pearlman

I was very disappointed with this book, mostly because it attracted me with it's name, tagline and synopsis - all of which turned out to be false. I got the impression the book would be all homely, set in one place. Instead, most of the story was on the road, travelling across America, which does not appeal to me at all. Secondly, I didn't like either of the two sisters - Tara or Sky - who narrate the story. Tara was in a rap band (not my kind of thing at all) and talked about her music in a very pretentious manner. Although Sky was slightly better, there was just something I couldn't connect with. There were some interesting family dynamics and racial issues explored, and some good characters - such as their mum, Allie, Sissy and their children. However, I felt like I was reading this book just so I could get to the end and move onto my next book. Therefore, I give this book 3/10.

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