Tuesday 6 March 2012

It Happened One Summer by Polly Williams

To get me in the mood for the warmer weather on my holiday, I chose a book about summer to take with me. I was so glad I took this as it was a great holiday read. Once I'd picked it up, I couldn't put it down. It was gripping, and I always wanted to find out more, especially because of the cliff hangers at the end of some of the chapters. There were lots of family dynamics that drove the story forward. The side plot of April that eventually led to the main plot was particularly enthralling. Polly Williams managed to create empathy for all of the characters, especially the main character, Nell, but also her sister, Heather, despite the initial judgement I came to when hearing how she had stolen Jeremy. I especially loved the descriptions of Cornwall in the book, especially those of the beach. Therefore I give this book 10/10!

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